Online National Webinar on Plagiarism, AI, Mendeley, and Qualitative Research - Portofolio | Hendra Yulisman

Online National Webinar on Plagiarism, AI, Mendeley, and Qualitative Research

Online National Webinar on Plagiarism, AI, Mendeley, and Qualitative Research

On Monday, 11 September 2023, the Pusat Riset Konservasi Gajah dan Biodiversitas Hutan Universitas Syiah Kuala (PKGB USK) held a national webinar with the theme "Exposing Plagiarism and the Use of AI and Mendeley Applications in Qualitative Research". Students and lecturers from Universitas Syiah Kuala University, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Padang ,Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Kasim Riau, Universitas Malikussaleh, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, UIN Ar-Raniry, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, dan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe attended this activity. The number of participants who attended reached 220 people.

In this activity, I was one of the presenters conveying information about avoiding plagiarism and utilizing Mendeley in preparing qualitative research articles. I also provide information about simple paraphrasing and how Mendeley is beneficial. In the question and answer session, the participants asked many questions about how to import citations into Mendeley software, cite correctly, and change the citation style.

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