Webinar "Sharing Strategi Pengelolaan Jurnal Menuju Scopus dan Sinta 1 & 2" - Portofolio | Hendra Yulisman

Webinar "Sharing Strategi Pengelolaan Jurnal Menuju Scopus dan Sinta 1 & 2"

Webinar "Sharing Strategi Pengelolaan Jurnal Menuju Scopus dan Sinta 1 & 2"

I had the opportunity to attend a very interesting webinar. This webinar was held by Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta on April 22, 2022. Participants in this activity were editors and journal reviewers from all universities in Indonesia. What makes this webinar very interesting for me is about the twists and turns of journals so that they can be indexed by Scopus and the exhausting experience of being an editor. It turns out that many of the editors have the same experience with the same

There are two speakers in this webinar. The first speaker was Mr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Nor Azhari Azman. He is a lecturer at Sultan Idris Education University. In addition, he is also an editor of several journals indexed by Scopus. He presented about "Strategi Pengelolaan Jurnal Menuju Scopus Melalui Pedoman www.readyforscopus.com". Furthermore, the second speaker was Mr. Husamah, S.Pd., M.Pd. He is a lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. He is also the editor of urnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia (JPBI) and Journal of Community Service and Empowerment (JCSE). Mr. Husamah presented about "Strategi Pengelolaan Jurnal Menuju Sinta 1-2".

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