The Workshop for Editorial Handling has the theme "Strengthening the Role of Editors Towards Globally Reputable Journal" and is carried out by Pusat Pengembangan Jurnal Ilmiah - Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK). This activity was held at the Senate Hall of Universitas Syiah Kuala on Wednesday, March 16, 2022. The participants of this activity were journal editors at USK, especially editors whose journals have not been accredited or are applying for reaccreditation..
Kegiatan diawali dengan pembukaan oleh ketua LPPM, bapak Prof. Dr. Taufiq Fuadi Abidin, S.Si., M.Tech. Beliau berharap agar semua jurnal dalam lingkungan USK dapat terakreditasi secara nasional. Selanjutnya, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi oleh Ketua Pusat Pengembangan Jurnal Ilmiah USK, Bapak Prof. Dr. Nasrul, S.T., M.T. Beliau memberikan informasi terkait tips dan trik agar jurnal dapat lolos akreditasi serta menyampaikan perkembangan proses akreditasi terbaru.
The activity began with an opening by the chairman of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Taufiq Fuadi Abidin, S.Si., M.Tech. He hopes that all journals within the USK can be accredited nationally and those already accredited nationally, are expected to focus on increasing accreditation at the international level. Furthermore, the activity continued with the presentation of by the chairman of Pusat Pengembangan Jurnal Ilmiah USK, Prof. Dr. Nasrul, S.T., M.T. He provides information related to tips and tricks for journals to pass accreditation and conveyed the latest developments in the accreditation process.
The next activity was the optimization of the journal website from each participant, which was guided by several facilitators. This activity was very useful for me to continue to improve the process of professional journal management.