Implementation of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Biology Education - Portofolio | Hendra Yulisman

Implementation of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Biology Education

Implementation of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Biology Education

This guest lecture has the theme "Implementation of TPACK in Biology Education". This activity was carried out by the USK FKIP Biology Education Study Program on October 9, 2021 through a Zoom Meeting. The speaker of this activity is Mrs. Dr. Yanti Herlanti, M.Pd. He is a lecturer from the Department of Tadris Biologi at UIN Jakarta.

This activity is very meaningful because he directly applies TPACK to the courses taught by the participants. Starting from the analysis of learning materials to determining the assessment and evaluation of the course. Therefore, the participants were very active and enthusiastic in participating in this guest lecture activity.

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